Difficult Setup in Wingate

Things got interesting when we realized that the only person who knows how to connect the lights to the controllers is Tony. I hope he feels well enough tomorrow to plug all of that stuff in or it's going to be a very dark stage.
Sound check was very abbreviated, we could only make sure everything was working, no songs to check balance or anything. Donna will be pretty busy the first few tunes tomorrow. Sound check revealed an annoying problem; one of the subs wasn't making any sound. We removed the 18" driver and found an open voice coil. That driver is less than a year old so it's still under warranty but it's such a pain to ship it back to the factory for repair. For this weekend we'll use an old driver that was removed last year.

That leaves a lot of things to be done tomorrow before the show. We need to carry Tony in so he can connect the lights. We might have to duct tape him to a mic stand so he can play. We need to install the replacement driver and also do a mini sound check. The bright side is that we'll be there early enough to get some of the prime rib special, usually they've run out by the time we get there. Mary and Triva will be ready to serve up some of their excellent food. Don't forget to try one of Triva's desserts!

Jessica came in to pick up a carryout order. She had her dog with her and Kyle wanted a picture with the dog. We talked about funny captions for the photo, such as "Kyle and his new girlfriend, along with her owner Jessica", but the more I look at the pic and the later it gets the more twisted the ideas get. So, let's have a contest. Post YOUR idea of a caption for this photo as a comment to this blog. I'll pick the best one at 5:00PM this Saturday. The winner gets a free drink either this Saturday night in Wingate or next month at the Hideaway. Twisted and kinky are good, bizarre is better.