Preparation for Steve's benefit

We went to the American Legion Post 492 to check out the progress on the stage and other stuff needed for the benefit on July 9. Unfortunately, nothing has been done yet on the 16' x 24' stage so we'll check again tomorrow.
The people at the Legion have done a great job with their sign.

This is a really nice place. There's lots of room outside and if we need it, the inside is very roomy and available for the Steve's benefit.

The bar is well stocked so nobody will go thirsty this Sunday. Friendly bartenders will take very good care of everyone.

This will be a family friendly event so bring your kids and grandkids. There will be lots to do for everyone.
Don't forget, registration for the poker run starts at 10:AM. The hog roast and other exciting events begin at 3:00PM
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